Sunday, March 21, 2010

SPECIAL EVENT: "Wildlives" Photography Exhibit Private Tour

Dr. Gary Bielby is a wildlife vet and photographer who, as part of the FotoFreo event, is holding an exhibition of his work at the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts. MUWA has been lucky enough the secure an exclusive tour of the exhibition with Gary himself, where he will take us through the exhibit and provide us with lots of handy hints on wildlife photography (especially helpful for those of you plannint on entering the Wildlife Photography Competition in semester 2).


When: Saturday March 25th, departing @ 10:30 am
Where: Carpooling from the vet pergola to the Victoria park Centre for the Arts
FREE entry plus donation towards petrol costs

For more info on the exhibit, visit

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little Penguin Project Talk

MUWA's next WWS is a presentation from Belinda Cannell on her research on Little Penguins in the Perth metropolitan region. Many of our members in the past have helped Belinda to conduct her research so this is your opportunity to find out the results.

When: 12.30pm Thursday 18th March
Where: 4th year lecture theater (VCS 2.008)
Cost: Free for members, gold coin donation for non members

Membership can be purchased at the event